Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Chasing Lasers

The normal reaction to a laser is panicked fleeing, because it's either a sniper, the aliens attacking, or someone giving an annoying power point presentation. But cats say, "Fuck that, we we have claws and sharp teeth, we're not scared of shit," and they hunt that laser down like they're starving and charbroiled laser is on the today's lunch menu. Not only will cats chase lasers, but they'll do it for hours, until their little cat lungs can't take it anymore or they've finally realized that lasers may be the only things in their goddamn house they can't kill. Only cats have the courage, the tenacity, the persistence, the agility, and the fascination with bright things necessary to chase lasers. You find me a human who'll scale vertical surfaces for a moving red dot, and I'll find you a human who's had his brain replaced with a pound of catnip.
(flickr photo Kittens! by Ingorrr; http://www.flickr.com/photos/ingorrr/441645263/)


  1. Kittie kats have not ever at any point in time, looked to me to be very smart at all! I have never at anytime ever seen a kittie kat wearing pink stuff! Enough said about that!

    ps! I probably think that a kittie kat would chase a pink laser though! Of this I am very sure! Most definitely!

  2. It's fun to watch them chase lasers too. Bwahahahaha. I truly think we have way more fum than they do.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  3. When George Bush made his speech about "a thousand points of light" he won enduring love of felines. He would now be serving a third term if cats could actually vote.

  4. But they'd be too distracted by all of those points of light to ever make it to the voting booth.

  5. My dog Gunner loves lasers too....sadly I do not have video documentary proof of this, but I am working feverishly on this....pets do the coolest things. But there is no way I am going to chase a laser. I will however randomly point my laser all over the wall wether there is an animal who wants to play with it or not....

  6. I agree, lasers are weirdly entertainign even if there aren't animals chasing them. There's something inherently excellent about lasers.
